The Power of “Vitamins” Q and S
Mar 04, 2022
When your soul feels tired, how do you recharge?
Since your loss, you’re likely acutely aware of how tired you feel, body and soul. More than ever, you’ll need lots of recharge time in order to keep navigating life after loss.
It means that any people pleasing tendencies will need to be discontinued, which can be done unapologetically.
It’s time to learn how to take care of yourself like never before.
When my soul feels tired, I’m low on “vitamins” Q and S – quiet and solitude. For me, they soothe the soul, recharge the batteries and help me be the best possible version of me.
How about you? If you’ve had a particularly difficult week, perhaps you need extra large doses of the “vitamins” that are perfect for your soul. It can be your top priority if you’re willing to turn in your people pleaser club card. Then, you can show up as the best possible version of you and do the things that must be done, whether that is work or the other tasks that life requires.
Grief is hard. But it doesn’t have to be extra harder because you’re so deeply worn out.
If you feel deeply exhausted and don’t know when or how to recharge your batteries, I get it. It took me a long time to figure it out on my own. If there was such a thing as a life coach for widows back then, I would have invested happily, and I would have taken more efficient strides forward instead of staying stuck in the mire for the first five years.
Today there is such a thing as a coach who helps widowed people rebuild a beautiful life (me). If you’re ready to invest in yourself in order to create a life worth living, simply click here and we’ll see if it’s a fit.
Learn more about Life Reconstructed.
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