What do you think?

Sep 23, 2022

In the aftermath of losing a spouse, it’s normal and common to think things like:

I should have done more to save him.

I’m not the strong person people think I am.

I can’t seem to “move on.”

I still don’t know who I am.

I should have this figured out by now.

I can’t seem to get motivated.

My biggest obstacle is me.

Observing your own thoughts is a powerful first step in life after loss. Try to observe without making any judgements. Just notice the thoughts your brain is offering you.

We humans operate according to our thoughts. In other words, our thoughts lead to feelings which drive actions.

Thoughts have that much power.

So, it’s important to think about what you think about.

One way I know that my Life Reconstructed coaching program is making a powerful impact is based on the thoughts my clients share with me.

Recently my client Nancy very nonchalantly said, “There are no feelings I’m afraid to feel.”

About 3 months into the 6-month program, Shannon said to me, “I want to live again.” (Not merely exist or survive, but live.)

Catherine said with conviction, “I’ve made a big decision, and I have my own back.”

Other thoughts I’ve heard include:

I’m honoring him and simultaneously creating the new me.

There is no “moving on,” because I can integrate him into my life.

I have compassion for myself when the days are tough.

I can love myself, unconditionally, every step of the way.

Thoughts like these pave the way forward.

What are you thinking?

If your thoughts have you stuck in a spin cycle, you’re not alone. I get it, and I can help.

Life Reconstructed is my coaching program designed exclusively for widowed people. It is the perfect mix of private coaching, group coaching and 24/7 access to the most life changing tools. Simply click below and we’ll see if it’s a fit.

Learn more about Life Reconstructed.

Click here

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