Navigating Thanksgiving After Loss: A FREE Webinar

Oct 29, 2021

While the rest of the world can’t wait for cooler weather and pumpkin spice everything, those living in life after loss often experience trepidation as the calendar turns to November.

If you are feeling more dread than grateful and blessed, I see you. I want you to know everything I’ve learned in the past 9 years about facing the holidays, and specifically the fast-approaching Thanksgiving holiday.

I’m offering a free webinar and I hope you’ll join me.

Whether it’s your first Thanksgiving without your beloved or your 15th, or somewhere in between, I will give you fresh insights and actionable tools that can lessen the dread and make the day the best it can possibly be.

You will

Consider a unique mindset that will end the pressure to do it “right.”

Formulate a plan that’s right for you, on your terms.

Spot any people pleasing tendencies and know how to navigate other people’s expectations of you. 

Gain fresh insights from a 9-year widow and certified professional life coach (me) who has spoken to hundreds of widowed people about life, loss and how to navigate the holidays.

There's no need to do it alone. Join us and learn from me and others and then decide what's best for you on Thanksgiving. It's a free webinar because I know the holiday dread firsthand and I want to help.


Friday, November 5th

3pm pacific/ 4 mountain/ 5 central/ 6 eastern


This is a virtual presentation. You will receive a Zoom link by email.

How to register

Simply click this link and enter your email address: Register now by clicking here

Can't make it?

No problem. Register anyway and you will receive a link to the recording to watch at your convenience.

If you need more than a webinar to get you through, I see you. I did too but found nothing that felt right for me. I’ve created the program I needed most when I couldn’t see the light. It’s called Life Reconstructed. If you’re interested in taking bigger strides forward and having a guide and a community of like-minded people to cheer you on, simply apply below and we’ll see if it’s a fit.

Learn more about Life Reconstructed.

Click here

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