Life Reconstructed group coaching program begins soon

May 19, 2023

The long days of summer are fast approaching, along with the weekends that seem never-ending. Enduring another painful summer is an option, or you can make it one of healing and growth.

The Life Reconstructed small group coaching program begins in early June. Exclusively for widowed people, it’s three transformational months of coaching, community and the life changing tools of life coaching.

It’s for you if you’ve lost a spouse and:

  • You can’t get past the “should have’s” that keep you stuck and suffering.
  • You’re functioning again, but you’d like to truly live.
  • Grief groups no longer serve you, and counseling isn’t helping you move forward as you’d like.
  • You’re existing but without hope and without joy.
  • You refuse to be in this same place in a year.

Approaching the most challenging time of your life with a DIY mindset is not the most efficient way forward. Join us in June to take efficient strides toward what you want for yourself.

What you'll get:

  • Three months of small group coaching (24 sessions) to help you rebuild your life.
  • Session replays if you can't make it or want to review.
  • The life changing Life Reconstructed program and the power of a supportive community.

Time does not heal. Intentionality does. This is the first step to feeling better and creating a life for yourself. 

If there were ever a time to invest in yourself and your emotional well-being, it is now. Let's do this together. 

You will:

  • Give yourself permission to live again.
  • Feel better.
  • Regain your confidence.
  • Make decisions with ease.
  • Rediscover meaning and purpose.
  • Create a life you love.

There are only 20 spots and the doors close May 31st.

Reserve your spot by clicking below. 

Learn more about Life Reconstructed.

Click here

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