Free webinar: simplify the holidays and magnify what matters most

Nov 29, 2023

For a widowed person, the holiday season can pack a punch.

The to-do list is big and energy levels are incredibly small.

Much of it falls exclusively on your shoulders.

Add to that your grief which is compounded this time of year. The gatherings, the gifts, the traditions: it’s exhausting, but it doesn’t have to be.

Please join me on Tuesday, December 5th for a free webinar: Simplify the holidays & magnify what matters. It begins at 3 pm pacific/ 4 mountain/ 5 central/ 6 eastern.

Register by clicking here, and if you can’t attend live, register anyway and I’ll send you the replay link.

You’ll leave with:

  • A fresh look at holiday traditions.
  • Practical and simple tips for gift giving.
  • Tools to interact with others, especially the non-grief savvy.
  • Pro tips for taking extra good care of you.

I know it will help you to do less, spend less, stress less, and rest more. I hope to see you there. 

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